ERA Mining

Client: ERA | Consultant | HATCH

Location: Australia

Services: Concept, Design and Development of 3D Visualisation based on Real-world LiDAR data of the mining site.

About the Project

Sunovatech was commissioned by ERA Mining in Australia to develop a 3D visualisation video that would serve as a crucial tool for public consultation. The project was designed to communicate the environmental impact of mining activities, an area often fraught with complex data and technical details. By utilising advanced 3D modelling and animation techniques, Sunovatech created a compelling visual narrative that translated intricate environmental information into an accessible and engaging format. This approach ensured that the general public and other stakeholders could easily understand the potential effects of mining operations.

The visualisation also highlighted ERA Mining's innovative methodologies that significantly reduce the environmental impact of their activities. The video demonstrated how ERA Mining's strategies align with sustainable practices through detailed animations and realistic simulations, reinforcing their commitment to minimising ecological footprints. Sunovatech's expertise in creating accurate and immersive visualisations made this project a powerful tool for ERA Mining to effectively communicate its environmental stewardship to a broader audience, enhancing transparency and public trust.